Jul 23 | 3 Neighborhoods - 35+ Garage Sale! Sat. July 23 8:00AM-12:00PM | Danville, CA Patch

2022-07-22 19:55:46 By : Ms. Smile Wang

This post was contributed by a community member. The views expressed here are the author's own.

Annual Wood Ranch / Meridian Hills / Belleterre Neighborhood Garage Sale! Saturday July 23, 2022 from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM.

Over 35+ Families Participating so far. 

Pick up your map and list of participants at 2 locations. At the entrance to Wood Ranch (19 Woodranch Cir, Danville, CA) or at the corner of Camino Tassajara and Old Blackhawk Rd. Look for the Kehrig Team pop up tents at both locations. 

All sales participants will have balloons to mark there locations.

For additional information, map and list of homes visit: https://www.kehrigteam.com/neighborhood-garagesale2022

Enjoy the sun, chat with neighbors, and buy/sell some amazing items! Taking place in each participant's personal garage within Wood Ranch, Meridian Hills, and Belleterre neighborhoods. We look forward to seeing you and coordinating some great deals! Here are just a few of the items being sold: Women's / Teen Clothing (Business / Casual ) Men's clothing Electronics Jewelry Etc. Precor Recumbent Exercise Bike, Rowing Machine Concept 2, PlayStation 4, Dining Room Chandelier, Household items, clothes, and booksHousehold items, clothes, furniture, sporting goodsHousehold Furniture Bed Frames Lamps Women's Clothing Kitchen Supplies Sports Equipment Gardening ToolsFurniture, antiques, china, framed pictures, Hobbnail glassware, and miscellaneous housewares.Futon couch/bed, entryway shelf/bench set, rugs, patio table w/6 chairs, women's snowboard & boots, jewelry, household items, and more!HomeDecor/furnitures/baby&kids/clothing/GardenPet supplies, women's clothing, textbooksHousehold goods, books, decor, clothesFurniture, pictures, beach chairs, kids toysteen clothing/shoes, adult clothing, household items, tools, outdoor activity items like face scuba masks with snorkels… misc. items1934’s Shirley Temple Danbury Mint dolls Beanie Babies Spaghetti Poodle figurines Children clothes (mainly infant to size 6 girls) Children toys Double Oven Microwave Samsung monitor Glassware and more...Lightly used clothes, shoes, toys, books & household items like lamps, picture frames, small furniture, etc.Dining Table, crafters cabinets, plant racks, some dishes. Media storage cabinets. Miscellaneous items.Household items, treadmill, home stereo equipmentJewelry, books, etc.Appliances, BBQ, child car seat, otherskitchen stuff art stuff...frames, canvases, mats **tons of books*** mostly hardbound...novels, how to books..to paint, make jewelry, watercolors and pastel how to's, etc some clothing linens knik knacks pottery some gardening tools pots for plants music albums and other misc items treadmill, dresser, shoes, clothes and misc items. furniture, paintings, pillows. housewares, tools and much more due to down sizing!Rug shampooer wicker baskets golf shirts shorts appliancesmusic playersSports Equipment, Toys, Power Wheel, Books, frames, etcTwin over full bunk bed; tall, narrow shelves (part of bunk bed set); stacked drawer organizer; women's clothes; misc. books.miscellaneous household items, clothing, and lots of miscellaneous treasures..Books Elementary and Middle School, Clothes, kitchen items.tools, air compressor, lawn mower, sofa, and misc baby clothing and accessories, DVDs, subwoofer and more.Accents: lamps, shelving, pillows, art, pictures, mirrors, decor items Appliances: KitchenAid dishwasher Furniture: accent tables, media center, end tables, convertible crib, queen box spring, Fixtures: chandelier, fireplace grate set (2), Kitchen: hanging pot rack, french onion soup bowels, plastic drink cups and lids, wine glasses, pots/pans, Office: office chair, desks, computer monitors, whiteboard, various electronics, filing cabinet Outdoor: zero gravity outdoor chaise, shade sail, baskets, outdoor floor tiles Sports: junior golf clubs, 20" kids bike, kids scooter, skateboard safety kit, Other: duvet covers, books, and videos, massage table, holiday decorations, games, art supplies, tools, party supplies, halloween costumes, various baskets and bags, toolboxes, and a large free/giveaway section!Childrens items, electronicsTable, chairs, bassinet, baby bouncer, childrens books, hamster cage, barstools, snowboards & boots, patio furniture, Seinfeld DVDs, rugs, bikes, household items and more!miscellaneousKids toys, board games, kids electric motorcycle, musical instruments, kids clothes, home decorTeen clothing, women's clothing, books, authentic children's hula and tahitian costumes, and more.Clothes, books, kitchen utensils, skateboard and scooters and misc parts General/misc itemschildren and baby items and miscellaneous household items

Hosted By: The Kehrig Real Estate Team