Maple Street caves in, dogs must be muzzled in Manistee 100 years ago

2022-09-23 20:11:31 By : Mr. Alex SPARK

From the Museum's Archives is a weekly section of local history columns written by the Manistee County Historical Museum. 

The following news items are reprinted from the Manistee Daily News for the week Sept.15-21, 1922 and are compiled by Teena Kracht from the newspaper archives of the Manistee County Historical Museum. 

“DETROIT, Sept. 15. — A bull pup yowling raucously was recently arrested here on the charge of ‘aiding and abetting one drunkard’ — who turned out to be the dog’s master. 

“The charge is believed to be the first official imprisonment of a dog ever recorded in police annals here. 

“‘Fido’ was brought to the station in the patrol wagon along with other ‘criminals,’ including his master, and was about to be ordered released when he began a vigorous attack on the precinct cat. 

“The Kangaroo court promptly ordered him jailed in the same cell as his owner.  After the completion of their jail terms they were released together.

“PRESENT WEEK IS MEMBERSHIP WEEK ... YOU SHOULD ENTER DRIVE ... End of the Rainbow Is Realized With Proverbial Pot of Gold Within Easy Reach of Energetic People. 

“The big race (subscription drive — T. K.) is about to begin.  What are you going to do about it?  Join in the profit-sharing competition, or are you going to be negligent of the opportunity at hand?  You are invited to participate in the division of a $5,000 prize-list which is made up of the most alluring, appropriate and other worthwhile things one could imagine ... .

“NOTICE.  All dogs must be kept in enclosure or muzzled until quarantine is lifted by Health Officer.  Anyone violating this ordinance will be prosecuted.  Penalty for violation, $50.00.  Special Officers have been put on patrol and report violations.  Complaints will be made as soon as reported.  THOS. GRADY, chief of police.

“Two of the Michigan Transit company’s palatial steamers, the Manitou and the Puritan, will go into winter quarters here during the next few days, both having completed their season’s runs ... .

See the full 100 Years Ago section at

“The opening of the duck season tomorrow (Saturday — T.K.) is expected to take quite a number of Manistee hunters to the woods on Sunday, close to 50 of them having applied for the necessary hunting and trapping licenses ... .

“A small section of Maple Street, opposite the alley above River Street, caved in this afternoon shortly after 3 o’clock, just as an automobile passed over the spot.  A barrel placed in the hole now serves as a warning to other motorists. 

“The opening reveals a large cavity under the pavement where the base had evidently been washed away by the incessant rains. 

“Starting tomorrow the News Advocate will publish somewhere in the advertisements the names of two people, with their address.  The persons whose names appear will upon presentation of the paper at the News Advocate business office receive two tickets to the Lyric theatre. 

“These ‘John Oakley’s,’ or passes, will continue to be given to readers for the next few weeks.  Watch for your name, get the habit and read the merchants message to you.  You will always find a good show at the Lyric. 

“Rigid enforcement of the mayor’s order making it compulsory that all dogs be muzzled will be pursued by the police as the result of the receipt by Dr. Homer Ramsdell, city health officer, of information from the state health department that the dog which was sent there a few weeks ago to be examined was afflicted with rabies. 

“Dr. Ramsdell calls attention to the fact that weather conditions do not influence rabies, and it is not yet safe to allow dogs to go unmuzzled.  Rabies can be spread just as dangerously in winter as in summer.  A bite is the medium by which it causes damage.  

“Noah Little asks:  Was there ever a lecturer who did not come well recommended?

“There does not seem to be any popular demand in this country for either the next strike or the next war.  We can be happy without either. 

“This is the age of machines.  Some machines even elect men to office. 

“Beautify Your Home With Wicker Furniture.  You can bring summer into your home this fall and winter with beautiful pieces of wicker furniture.  Living rooms furnished in wicker are comfortable, durable and beautiful ... 

“3-PIECE SUITES, CONSISTING OF DAVENPORT, CHAIR AND ROCKER as low as ... $96.50.  Warren A. Graves.  Complete Home Outfitter.  ‘COME IN AND ROAM AROUND.’

“Work which began this morning on repairing the cave-in on Maple Street revealed that the cause was a break in the sewer pipe.  The volume of water rushing through the pipe evidently was so great during the recent rains that it tore through the cracks and found a stream of its own, underground.  

“Pressure from above is believed by City Manager Shields to have caused the break.  Except for a small channel, the foundation of the pavement is as solid as when it was put in —  clay and sand bottom, six inches of rock and six inches of asphalt.

“The street surface above the cavity now is merely a shell, and it is said that the break yesterday prevented a large one which might have been productive of disastrous results.  A few weeks ago a small cave-in occurred at the foot of Maple Street. 

“It is claimed by a number who have studied ground conditions here that the hill which commences at the mouth of the river and extends through the residence district as far as Filer City has shifted a few inches toward the river in the last 25 years.  A break some time ago in the gas main was attributed to the shift. 

“As Noah Heap puts it:  A man don’t get very high up climbing the family tree.

“You’ve got it wrong if you think jokes made the Ford a success.  The Ford makes the jokes a success. 

“If a person could only have his vacation after he has his vacation so that he could rest up and get ready for another vacation, this wouldn’t be such a bad little world for some people after all. 

“Introducing Heza Dumbbell, a recent arrival in Manistee.  Heza Dumbbell thinks:  That  salary is a vegetable.  That bootlegging is done in a shoe repair shop.  That a ghoul is what they have on a football field.  That quarantine is king of Greece.  That a duchess is a female duck.  That a dead beat is a spoiled vegetable.  That celluloid is Harold Lloyd’s sister.  

“Dancing specialists say the new dances will be more graceful.  And, it is hoped, less disgraceful. 

“In all probability a great many persons who are always wondering what the world is coming to will be very much surprised when it arrives. 

“If you find your name and street address in any of the advertisements of today’s paper, clip the ad and present it to the business office of the News-Advocate within 48 hours and we will furnish you with free tickets to the current attraction at the Lyric Theatre.  

“The Coal Shortage Is On.  Now is the time to prepare for your Winter Fuel.  16 Inch Hemlock Wood Delivered direct from the saw at $3 per load.  Ruggles and Rademaker.  Phone 705-J.

“Manistee suffered a heavy blow today, when at a special meeting of the Board of Commerce this afternoon John C. Beukema tendered his resignation as secretary of that organization. 

“Mr. Beukema..has accepted the position of secretary of the Board of Commerce of Muskegon, his native town ... 

“The call to Muskegon ... carries with it a very large increase over the salary paid by Manistee, as well as greater opportunity for service ... 

“Coming here ... on May 1, 1917, to be exact, a trained and capable newspaper man, Mr. Beukema ... at once became an active and forceful factor in Manistee’s development as well as all phases of its civic and social affairs ... He has been largely instrumental in Manistee’s recent industrial changes and commercial upbuilding, among the projects ... being the Filer Fibre company, Manistee Tanning company ... Cooper Underwear factory ... Manistee Shirt Manufacturing company ... 

“Mr. Beukema came here also at a time to be of great service during the world war period ... During the trying days of rationing he served as food and fuel administrator for the county ... and he was active in the campaigns for the Red Cross and Community chest, and especially so in the several Liberty Loan drives.

“Mr. Beukema, as vice president of the Michigan Tourist and Resort association has been as active in development of the resort resources of the county as he has of the city’s industrial development ...  

“In addition, Mr. Beukema was a useful worker in activities of the Congregational church, the Manistee Exchange club and the country club ... A fine public speaker, Mr. Beukema presided over most of the public gatherings of recent years with dignity and distinction ... 

“John Beukema will be missed as much as any member of the community could be missed.  But loathe as everyone will be to see him leave Manistee, we can only congratulate him upon his advancement and greater opportunity ... .

“The opening of the duck hunting season Saturday was marked by tragedy.  Ellis Jensen, popular Manistee youth, was accidentally shot through the back and died almost instantly. 

“The fatality occurred at about 5:15 Saturday afternoon on the Manistee river ... Jensen was hunting with Alvin Anderson ... 

“ ... While paddling toward (a covey of ducks) ... Anderson in the stern ... picked up his shotgun ... In so doing the gun was accidentally discharged.

“ ... Ellis spoke only a few words, ‘Well, Al, I guess you’ve got me,’ and died.  

“Dr. Homer Ramsdell was called.  He pronounced Jensen dead ... As it was a clear case of accidental shooting, no coroner’s inquest was held. 

“Ellis, better known by the name of Eli, had just celebrated his 21st birthday anniversary on Friday ... 

“A father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jensen ... and two sisters ... survive him.  

“News of the accident was a blow unbelieved to his large circle of friends. During the two years of indoor baseball in Manistee he gained a large following by his excellent work as pitcher for the Danish Athletic club team ... Anderson is prostrated by the accident.  

“This fatality was the third within two weeks. 

“Three youngsters 11, 8, and 4 years old, who were making their way on foot from the home of their grandparents at Nessen City to the house of their parents at Lansing, were sent on by train from here Saturday by Sheriff Hallock, after he had brought them from Brown township to Manistee. 

“The youngsters are said to have become dissatisfied with conditions at Nessen City and resolved to walk home to Lansing.  They were picked up on the road by some Brown township farmers, who called the sheriff. 

“The official got in touch with the parents, and they sent the necessary money for train fares. 

“Eastlake took on a spurt of activity yesterday afternoon when it became the scene of a shooting fray, resulting in the bruising of ‘Boots’ Zielinski’s lip by a shot.

“Zielinski, it is said, was walking around the lake when stopped by two men.  These he later followed to the home of Miss Tillie Hansen.  When Zielinski tried to enter, he was met with a shot fired from a gun by Miss Hansen, it is said.  

“No arrest has been made. 

“The national board of fire underwriters has issued a bulletin of warning against the special hazards which accompany the use of substitutes for anthracite coal as fuel.  It states that some of the soft coals are subject to spontaneous combustion when stored in large quantities and should never be piled near the furnace or against combustible surfaces ... .

“Travel broadens some people.  Others return as skinny as ever. 

“No man lives a useless life.  He may serve as an example for others to avoid.  

“Mrs. L. N. Roussin of First Street is confined to her home with a sprained foot, as the result of a fall down the cellar stairs. 

“Noah Little says:  If there is but $10 to spend on clothes, $5 is spent on daughter, $3 on son, $2 on mother, and pa gets his hat brushed. 

“An important meeting of business men will be held tomorrow morning at the Board of Commerce rooms.  It is imperative that all merchants be present. 

“Frank Gamache paid $5 and costs this morning in Justice Greve’s office after pleading guilty to the charge of being drunk ... .

“Roy Hooper, formerly of Manistee but now living in Milwaukee, was arraigned before Justice Greve this morning on a drunk charge.  He ... paid $5 and costs.

“Heza Dumbbell insists:  That a shoe horn is a musical instrument.  That Marion is Harding’s sister.  That a percolator is a baby carriage.  That oleomargarine is a Swede.  That Trotsky is a new dance. 

“Youth is outgrown much sooner than foolishness. 

“As Noah Heap puts it:  Too many belles are of the dumb kind. 

“For a rotten show the coal strike had a remarkably long run. 

“Is your name in today’s ads?  If it is you’re entitled to a free ticket to the Lyric.  Two are given away. 

“Somehow or other, a fly seems to know that along about this time of year the family swatter is so used up that it doesn’t amount to much. 

“N. C. Stanley, a traveling salesman who was picked up Saturday night ... on a drunk charge, was arraigned before Justice Greve this morning.  He pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $8 and costs. 

“After reluctantly accepting the resignation of Sec. J. C. Beukema yesterday afternoon, the directors of the Board of Commerce chose George O. Nye as temporary secretary ... He will take active charge Oct. 1, when Mr. Beukema leaves. 

“The new secretary will be especially remembered as the energetic and capable county food administrator during the war.  He also served as director of the Board of Commerce for five years and was chairman of the industrial investigation committee, all of which makes him a competent man to fill the office at this time ... .

“John F. Bailey, well known former blacksmith living at 309 Cypress St., dropped dead on Cleveland Street opposite the Pere Marquette railroad depot yesterday afternoon at about 4 o’clock.  Over-exercise, causing heart failure, is thought to have been the cause. 

“He was 82 years of age and had been a resident of Manistee for the past 35 years ... He is survived by a widow and two daughters ... .

“Mrs. Thorwald Thompson, 401 Sibben St., died this morning at 7:20 at Mercy hospital, where she was taken last night at 11 o’clock for an operation for strangulated hernia.  She became ill only two hours before removal to the hospital.  

“No arrest will follow the shooting fray in Eastlake Sunday, as the shot was fired more to scare ‘Boots’ Zielinski, who was threatening to kick-in the house of Miss Tillie Hansen, than to do bodily harm, according to Sheriff Hallock ... 

“According to the story told Sheriff Hallock, Zielinski went to the Hansen home and started to raise a ‘rumpus’ outside of the house.

“It is claimed Miss Hansen told him to stop, or she would ‘shoot his head off.’  Zielinski told her to go ahead and shoot.  She carried out her threat and shot, grazing Zielinski’s lip with the bullet. 

“Announcement was made this afternoon by the local ticket office of the Pere Marquette railroad that the early morning train will be restored Monday.  While this service will not be as thorough as that which was in effect when the schedule was shortened by the coal crisis, it is practically a return to normal, being the same which was effective last year at this time. 

“A coroner’s inquest into the death of Ellis Jensen, shot Saturday afternoon while out duck hunting on the Manistee river will be held tonight at 7 o’clock at the courthouse, upon demand of prosecuting attorney Max E. Neal, it being required by law that such an inquest be held. 

“At the same time, an inquest will be held to determine the death of John F. Bailey, aged blacksmith, who dropped dead yesterday afternoon on Cleveland Street. 

“Coal dealers and manufacturers today received with gratification news that the high price of coal is easing off.  At the same time, anxiety was expressed over the ill-effects of a certain shortage during the approaching winter ... 

“A dealer who has been able to supply his customers with Saginaw coal this afternoon said that it was almost impossible to secure Eastern coal and what was available was too expensive.  There is no hard coal on the market, he said ... .

“The Night School of the Manistee Business College will open next Monday night.  If you are working during the day the night school gives you an opportunity for getting a business education while you work.  For particulars telephone 480-R. 

“Other people have prejudices; we ourselves have convictions and opinions. 

“With the arrival of cold weather the best golf records of the year will be made — indoors. 

“The number of free tickets given away to the Lyric has been increased to four.  It will pay to look over the ads to see whether you have been chosen. 

“What’s become of the fellow who used to cut cute little baskets out of peach stones?  And what has become of the society dames who used a dozen eggs to wash their hair?

“William Jaitner returned last night after a three-months visit in Germany, visiting relatives and friends.  This was his first trip back to the ‘old country’ where he was born. 

“That the police mean to enforce the order providing for the muzzling of dogs was shown today in the arrest of Reinhold Moerke, general contractor, Washington Street, for allowing his dog to run loose without a muzzle.  He was assessed $1 and costs. 

“Workmen today were engaged in removing the large broken sewer pipes at the foot of Maple Street and installing the new ones.  Some of the old pipes were cracked in half.  The work has been made doubly difficult by the steady flow of water. 

“The Manistee county road commission is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest of persons who have been taking lanterns placed for the protection of the motoring public at trunk line construction work near Petoskey hill. 

“We can see nothing in those longer skirts.  

“The only part of the nation’s food supply raised by the middleman is the price.

“As Noah Heap puts it:  Men conceal their extravagances, women display them. 

“The candidates really need this breathing spell between the primary and the regular election, and so does the public. 

“The jury summoned last night at 7 o’clock at the courthouse to inquire into the death of Ellis Jensen brought in a verdict of death caused by the accidental explosion of a shotgun in the hands of Alvin C. Anderson ... 

“Anderson testified he did not know that his gun had discharged its load into Jensen’s back until the latter turned back and cried that Anderson had shot him, but thought that the report came from Jensen’s gun, as the latter had picked up his weapon to shoot. 

“Anderson told his story with drawn face, keeping his eyes to the floor.  

“In the John F. Bailey case a verdict of death caused by apoplexy, due to excitement, was brought in. 

“According to testimony given by a number of witnesses ... Bailey was heckled by Charles Christopherson, who was drunk, it is alleged ... 

“As far as could be found out by Sheriff Hallock, no one saw Bailey at the moment he fell ... No testimony was presented that Christopherson had at any time struck Bailey. 

“Dr. MacMullen ... testified (that) Mr. Bailey’s blood pressure was known to be high.  Excitement or anger, it was said, would easily cause such a condition (apoplexy — T. K.) in an old man.  

“Christopherson was arrested Monday about 6 o’clock for being intoxicated ... Upon arraignment this morning before Justice Greve, he claimed no knowledge ... having been so drunk that he remembers nothing of what happened that afternoon. 

“As this was his second offense on the same charge within two weeks, he was sentenced to pay $10 and costs and to serve ten days in jail ... .

“Manistee city’s tax budget, approved last night by the city commission, shows a small decrease from last year’s figure, namely $832 ... (and) it was accomplished in the face of two new projects for the coming year.

“ ... One is a trunk sewer on Fourth avenue, to cost $2,000, and the other is the north shore drive along the recently platted city resort site ... (which) will cost $2,000 for the initial work ... 

“In spite of this addition, the general street fund is only a few hundred dollars larger than last year.  Substantial reductions were also made in the Sands park and the Charles Reitz park funds, chiefly by eliminating and combining a number of items.

“A small increase was granted the library, which has been endeavoring to expand.  The public health fund is cut nearly $1,000, since the city has eliminated the city nurse from the payroll.  Nominal reductions were also made in the fire department ... .

“The last chapter of the history of Manistee’s streetcar system is being written.  It will be completed when the city commission decides what action to take on a new, and perhaps final, offer of the Manistee Street Railway company.

“Manager Kressler last night presented the city commission a bill of sale, giving to the city of Manistee, without cost, the trackage running through the middle of paved streets.  Before accepting, the commissioners voted to refer the matter to City Attorney H. L. Campbell, with instructions to present a written opinion on the advisability of taking possession ... .

“Members of the Business Woman’s club and their guests, numbering 110 in all, enjoyed a fine two-course luncheon at the Hotel Chippewa Monday evening at 6:30.  The six long tables were tastefully decorated with autumn flowers.  

“At the business meeting following, Miss Georgia Curtiss stated that the classes in gymnastics and dancing would be resumed in October under the direction of Miss Anna Greve ... .

“Manistee housewives, busy with the canning of fruit for winter use, have not only the shortage of coal to contend with, but are also confronted with another problem — the shortage of fruit cans. 

“Due to the low price at which all fruits are selling, Manistee women have been putting up more fruit than usual this summer, causing a scarcity of containers in the local market.

“C. N. Russell, leading grocer, stated today that his stock was virtually cleaned out and there were no prospects of securing further shipments of cans for local use.  Only a few dozen cans remain in the store, it was said.  

“The same situation is faced by other grocers and distributors of glassware here.  Up and down the street, the dispensers of fruit cans are sadly shaking their heads whenever a housewife appears seeking to replenish her stock of fruit cans.  

“In his report to the city commission Tuesday night Dr. Homer A. Ramsdell, city health officer, reported one case of pneumonia and another of scarlet fever.  The first was contracted by a sailor on a boat coming into Manistee, while the scarlet fever patient fell heir to the germ while visiting in Chicago.

“Dr. Ramsdell reiterated his belief that all dogs of the city should be kept muzzled for some time to come as a prevention against a spread of rabies. 

“During the last month there have been 16 births and five deaths in Manistee ... .

“Carl Below and Edna Benson were welcome callers at the business office of the News-Advocate today.  They read yesterday’s ads and were rewarded for their time with free tickets to the Lyric as well as receiving some very important information compiled by our leading merchants.     

“Mrs. Alexander D. Turner has returned from a three months tour of Europe.  She spent some time in France where she visited the grave of her only son, Lt. Col. J. A. Turner, D. S. O. M. C., who, after four years of active service in the world war gave his life for everlasting peace. 

“Otto Herman, River Street barber, has found a rare species of mushroom in the yard of Jack Tyson, on Second Street.  The mushroom is of the kind known as puffball.  It looks like a large piece of dough on the outside and on the inside like white angel-food cake ... .

“Manistee last night between 11 o’clock and midnight was nearly as black as the proverbial ace of spades.  The only illumination in that period was shafts of light from automobiles.  The reason:  electric current was shut off in order to allow a crew of the Consumers Power company to connect the 40,000-volt transformers at Junction Dam, the entire transmission line having been recently restrung.  

“‘Today’s word of comfort:’  Hunt the bright side.  If your clothes were better, people might mistake you for a bootlegger.  

“Harry Larson, Filer Street, had a leg and hand bruised early this afternoon when he was jammed in between two Fords at the Standard Oil service station on River Street.

“WRIGLEY’S after every meal adds a zest and helps digest.  One five cent package of Wrigley’s contains a beneficial after dinner treat for the whole family.  It gives delight and keeps teeth white.  It’s a satisfying sweet.  Wrigley’s is cleansing, cooling and soothing to mouth and throat.  Lasts long — costs little — does much.  Wrigley’s is made clean and comes to you clean, wholesome and full of flavor in its wax wrapped package.  WRIGLEY’S P. K. is the new sugar-jacketed gum.  All Wrigley’s benefits and an extra treat for your ‘sweet tooth.’

“Dr. W. B. Oldt and family are to leave next week for St. Louis, Mich., where Dr. Oldt will become pastor of the M. E. church.  He is making this change for the benefit of his daughter, Esther, who is to attend Alma college.  She graduated from Manistee High school three years ago ... 

“The departure of Dr. Oldt will be keenly felt by his many parishioners, as well as members of other churches.  During his four years here he has been an active worker for the local church.  Of pleasing personality, which was reflected in his work, he drew many to his sermons ... .

“September 28 has been designated as Mercy Hospital Tag Day at the Manistee County Fair ... The sisters of the hospital are taking this means of swelling the funds of the institution ... 

“A unique way of increasing the hospital’s receipts will be the erection of a tent for checking babies at the rate of 10 cents for half an hour.  This will be of great service to many women who find it necessary to take their babies along to the fair ... .

“Bitter feeling against President Harding was being expressed yesterday and today by members of post No. 10, American Legion, for his action in vetoing the soldier bonus bill.  Their sentiments were voiced directly today by Vice-commander Dr. Lee A. Lewis ...  

“‘The boys feel pretty sore ... the amount which they would get in some instances would fall far short of meeting the personal losses they suffered by taking part in the war.

“‘The argument that they should not think of receiving pay for performing a duty which the country expects is not convincing enough to hundreds of former soldiers who are actually in need in a land of plenty.  Many are out of jobs and money.  Many have not recovered from the effects of war ... 

“‘Above all, the ex-service men should be given a bonus as an inducement to serve again in case of another war soon,’ Vice-commander Lewis concluded.   

“Workmen at the Overpack wagon shop are completing the body for a conveyance for school children in the Freesoil consolidated district.  It has a capacity for 25 and is adaptable to both sleigh and wagon. 

“These special conveyances are recent developments in connection with the expansion of rural school systems, whereby children are given transportation to consolidated schools which offer a wider range of studies than was possible under the old district school system.  In the fall and spring, auto trucks carry the pupils and in the winter, sleighs ... .

“The Vanity Hat shop will be closed Saturday on account of a Jewish holiday (Rosh Hashana  —  T.K.).  

“Some defeated candidates appear very pessimistic about the future of the country. 

“Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kann left this noon for New York, where they will meet Mr. Kann’s father and sister, Adolph Kann and Mrs. M. Marxx, respectively, who are returning from a visit in Europe.  They have been in Europe since June 1. 

“Miss Pyrrha Gardner ... and Hans M. Hansen ... both watched the advertisements in the News-Advocate last night and as a result were rewarded by winning free tickets to the Lyric Theatre. 

“When in doubt, let the auto pass. 

“That professor who says ‘there is no limit to space’ never worked on a newspaper.  

“Everybody’s cash on hand increased 46 cents during August, says Washington.  A lot Washington knows about it. 


“Two wee boys strayed from their mother’s fold this afternoon and adventuring went.  And they found more excitement than they bargained for, or even anticipated. 

“David (and) brother Franklyn, aged three, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Otto L. Hines, 460 Fifth St., reached the corner of Maple and Fifth streets.  There a red box on a tall pole attracted them. 

“David proceeded to investigate.  He found he could reach it by means of small spikes which protruded from the pole.  He climbed up until his small fist could handle the key which hung at its side.  He inserted the key in the hole in the door of the box, turned the key, found another interesting thing and pulled it.

“Then the excitement began.  Two big fire trucks came thundering and clattering up the street.  The boys ran.  The members of the fire department looked for the fire.  There was none.  Soon Chief Hansen spied two tiny overalled figures stumbling down Pine Street, hand in hand, and crying at the top of their voices. 

“Two spectators headed them off.  By this time they were hysterical.  However, through their choking sobs they expressed their cause of grief — they didn’t want to be taken by the policemen. 

“At last they were confronted by their mother and Chief Hansen.  Hanging their small tearstained faces, they explained their experiment.  On their promise to leave fire-boxes alone hereafter, they were left by Chief Hansen to the custody of their mother.