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For Juliet Taylor's late husband, Jeff, participating in a drug trial was a way to give to others
After my husband, Jeff, died from ALS in 2020, I found a video he’d taken by mistake right around the time of his diagnosis. He’d left his phone
By Harriet Johnston For Mailonline
Published: 03:54 EDT, 13 September 2022 | Updated: 08:32 EDT, 13 September 2022
Queen Elizabeth II may have been a particularly private person, but she did occasionally offer a glimpse of her private world to the public - by sharing
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It’s all about easy elegance. In collaboration with Avocado.
There’s a reason the spring season is so closely associated with the metaphor of rebirth—flowers bloom, the sun shines brighter, and layers (both literal and metaphorical) are swiftly shed. It’s a time of year when ever
Imagine, for a moment, that your home is a blank canvas and you're a painter. Perhaps you've provided a base coat to your house through the wall paint. Maybe you've also set the basic scene with furniture. You've probably even added some detail work with smaller décor pieces.
But someth
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Sep. 7—At the Cannon Beach cottage of Pat and Craig Tulip, a blue Craftsman-style bungalow nestled against a tall row of hemlock and pine trees, not a single object is out of place.
Not the white wicker tea cart and blooming rose bushes adorning the Southern-style front porch, or Mitte
Black and white might look like a simple design theme, but it’s not easy to pull off. Done well, it looks clean, modern, and inviting. When it’s not, a black-and-white interior can seem sterile or flat.
House of Nomad co-owners Kelley Lentini (seated) and Berkeley Min
IKEA and Sonos are back at it with another speaker that doubles as furniture. This time around, the companies are refreshing their Symfonisk table lamp speaker, and thank god it doesn’t look as hideous as the last one. In addition to better aesthetics, the table lamp also has upgraded its ha
LEGO News, Reviews and Builds
For a certain breed of LEGO fan, LEGO Ideas is a dream come true. The theme uses a dedicated website for people to submit their own LEGO designs. If they can gather enough support these designs can become bona fide LEGO sets, for everyone to enjoy.