Seize the Narrative: Changing my Twitter Name to "Woke Mob against Gun Death"

2022-06-10 20:01:45 By : Ms. Anna Cheng

My new Twitter name is "Woke Mob Against Gun Death." Time to seize the narrative. @DemFromCT @KagroX

I. The Lesson of “Deplorable.”

Remember “Deplorable Jim” et al?

Six years ago, when Hillary Clinton said half of Trump voters were in a “ Basket of Deplorables.”  Republicans immediately pounced, led by Fox, Rush, and thousands of mini-Rush’s followed as usual by the MSM, who used it as Exhibit 1,248 in the already settled trial and conviction of HRC as an elitist who looks down on all Trump supporters as deplorable. It was the 2016 version of Obama’s 2008 “bitter, cling” comment about guns and religion (which has actually aged well in light of recent events).

But more than that,  Republicans proudly owned “Deplorable.” Within hours, Etsy had “Deplorables” merch for sale, including “deplorable" T-shirts, key chains, car decals, buttons, pendants, coffee mugs and even a deplorable pocket watch.  

The greatest impact may have been on Twitter; overnight Twitter names “MAGA” “Alt-right” “or “Jim” became “Deplorable MAGA,”  “Deplorable Jim” or “Deplorable Alt-Right.” 

“I am a deplorable” was the 2016 “I am Spartacus.” Some continue now, like “UltraMAGA Deplorable.”

II. Co-opting the “Woke Mob” Narrative

The phrase “Woke Mob” is everywhere, not just from the Right, but also their mainstream media enablers. A Google search for “Woke Mob” shows about 12,000 results in just the last month: 

In this narrative, every Democrat is responsible for every supposed “excess” of the left, leading to a barrage of hysterical headlines:

Even though zero or near zero elected Democrats actually hold these positions. 

The  “Woke Mob”  can also be both-siderism. Have you had people tell you things like: “You know, I’m not crazy about Republicans, but the Woke Mob rules the Democrats,” or “I don’t like Trump, but didn’t some Woke Mob kids canceled a speaker at a college”?

What if instead of running from or explaining away the “Woke Mob,” label, we turn it around like they did with “Deplorable,” serving two purposes: 

"Woke Mob for Kids Surviving School”

"Woke Mob for Women Controlling their Bodies”

”Woke Mob against Domestic Terrorism”

”Woke Mob for Marrying Whom you Love”

"Woke Mob against Insurrection and Treason"

"Woke Mob against Climate Death"

“Woke Mob for Background Checks”

“Woke Mob for $20 Minimum Wage”

”Woke Mob against Price Gouging”

”Woke Mob against Forced Birth”

So that’s why I changed my Twitter name:

My new Twitter name is "Woke Mob Against Gun Death." Time to seize the narrative. @DemFromCT @KagroX

You can also become active in the “Woke Mob” getting out the youth vote by volunteering or contributing to groups like the non-partisan  The Civics Center. 

If you are attending marches for #wearorange weekend or #GunViolenceAwarenessMonth, use our posters to help all those attending #registertovote! 🧡

Also — consider contributing to the non-partisan  Civic Influencers for College Students.