Want to impress your friends with a gorgeous blocky bedroom? Look no further.
In the endless blocky lands of Minecraft, even avid miners need a place to rest their head at the end of the day. While you can certainly make do with a single room carved out of the side of a mountain or even a covered hole in the ground, why not construct something a little more special to protect your spawn point? Even if it’s just a fancy place to dump your gear and materials when the sun goes down, a bedroom can be the perfect focal point in a well-designed house.
If you want to make something amazing but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve rounded up some of the coolest, most interesting bedroom ideas to get you inspired. Some of them come with tutorials and build descriptions that you can follow, while others will require you to put in a little creativity and elbow grease of your own. Most require additional modpacks that add new decorations or textures, which are generally linked in the build’s description or comments.
Here are the top 5 Minecraft bedroom ideas.
This sleepy, wood, and greenery-themed build from Jiuyue Architecture is modeled on traditional Japanese architecture and room construction. It’s open to the air on three sides, so it might not be the best build for Survival mode.
If you’re just looking to make something nice in Creative, though, look to its floor-bound bed and tall bamboo garden for tranquil inspiration. The in-floor fire pit is an especially nice touch, as are the vine-wrapped skylights. It’s very, dare we say, aesthetic.
This combination living room-bedroom is based on an actual photo that creator minelied found on Pinterest. The cozy fireplace surrounded by hanging lights and the gentle stairs that lead up to the loft bedroom are reminiscent of an upscale log cabin.
Even if you copy the build exactly as minelied did it, there’s still plenty of space around the living room to place chests, shelves, closets, bookcases, or anything else you want to jazz up the space. You’ll need Mizuno’s 16 Craft texture pack to make this room.
Looking for something a little more modern? Ever wanted to live close to Minecraft’s aquatic life, but don’t want to go through the trouble of building your house over a river or the ocean? If either of those statements rang true, this build is for you.
MCram’s bedroom makes ample use of dark blocks and stoneware to craft a modern bedroom with plenty of style that’s still very cozy. The aquarium room divider and its plant life bring the perfect touch of natural to the room, as does the fluffy rug in front of the bed.
“Modern” doesn’t necessarily have to mean dark and dreary. Just take a look at this bright pink and white build from AmyYeah. Their full build tutorial shows how to create ample closet space, build shelves, and use rods to give the impression of lamps and fluorescent lights. The white-and-pink brick blocks and pink flowers behind the bed are the perfect final touches to this warm, inviting bedroom. Don’t forget to touch up your makeup in front of the vanity!
This final build is a little different than the others we’ve looked at. If you’ve ever dreamed of living in a palace and dining like a king but a little thing called “reality” keeps getting in your way, this might be the build for you. It’s also perfect for iron ingot lovers, as the walls seem to be lined with them.
The ample use of clay blocks around the fireplace and ceiling give off the impression of marble, while the enormous bed indicates nothing but luxury. While it’s hard to tell what the rest of the house looks like from a single screenshot, we can only guess that it’s as fancy as this.