Walkthrough for Sam & Max Save The World: Season One | Adventure Gamers

2022-07-15 19:50:45 By : Ms. Apple Wang

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Episode 1:  Culture Shock Episode 2:  Situation Comedy Episode 3:  The Mole, The Mob, And The Meatball Episode 4:  Abe Lincoln Must Die Episode 5:  Reality 2.0 Episode 6:  Brighter Side Of The Moon  

You are Sam, a talking dog.  Your first mission begins in your office, after your phone is stolen!  Jimmy Two-Teeth, the rat who stole your phone, wants some Swiss cheese as a ransom. 

Explore the office and experiment with everything.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Take BOXING GLOVE from the window sill.  Watch advert on the TV.  Pick up BOWLING BALL from the floor on the right.  Open cupboard door on the right - there’s lots of cheese in there, but it’s not Swiss cheese, so the rat won‘t accept it.  Don’t worry, this problem is easily fixed!  Use BIG GUN from your Inventory to shoot the cheese full of holes.  Now it looks like Swiss cheese.  Take a piece of SWISS CHEESE, and place it in front of the rat hole.  Jimmy Two-Teeth accepts the cheese, but he now has some more demands.  Work through all the dialogue as both Sam and Max.  After learning about Jimmy’s fear of heights, Max ‘persuades’ him to return your phone by dangling him out of the window.  As soon as you get your phone back, the Commissioner calls, giving you some new orders.  Talk to Max again, and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk left a few steps.  Look at graffiti and look at posters in the alley.  Take can of SPRAY PAINT that’s lying on the yellow car (if you're playing the 2020 version, the SPRAY PAINT won't be here).  Now click on the posh Desoto car to use it, and choose the following option. 

        -       Let’s go pull over random motorists. 

You now see yourself and Max driving the car.  When you see another car on the road, use the GUN on the other car, and shoot it’s tail light.  Now use MEGAPHONE with the other car, and choose the following option. 

        -       Hideously broken tail light. 

You force the car driver to pay a hefty fine, making yourself £10,000 richer!  Yippee!  Now click on the office icon to return to the street. 

Walk left a few steps.  Look at mailbox outside Sybil’s Shop.  Enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Hmm… Sybil looks kinda different.  In fact, this isn’t Sybil at all!  This is Peepers, from the old Soda Poppers TV programme, trying to pass himself off as Sybil.  You can hear banging coming from the cupboard at the back of the room.  Work through all the dialogue with Peepers.  He tells you to get Brady Culture’s Eye-Bo Video from Bosco’s shop down the road.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the shop.  Open cupboard door on the right… and meet the REAL Sybil.  Work through all the dialogue with her.  She realises that Peepers has been hypnotised, and that’s why he pretended to be her.  You have to help Sybil reverse the process.  She tells you that in order to break a hypnotic trance, the subject has to be knocked unconscious.  Try to use BOXING GLOVE on Peepers to knock him unconscious, but he’s too quick for you.  You’ll need to find another way.  When you’re ready, leave Sybil’s Shop. 

Walk right, and continue right, until you see Specs (another star of the old Soda Poppers TV programme) spraying graffiti on the door of the bookshop.  (If you're playing the 2020 version, take can of SPRAY PAINT from on top of the yellow newspaper box).  Talk to Specs and work through all the dialogue.  He also recommends you get the Eye-Bo video.  Specs has also been hypnotised.  When conversation is over, enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Work through all the dialogue with Bosco.  You learn that Whizzer, another one of the famous Soda Poppers, is harassing poor Bosco by unloading videos of Brady’s Culture’s Eye-Bo.  I recommend you work through all the dialogue options, since they are amusing, but make sure to select the following options at some point. 

        -       We wanna buy something.

        -       What’ve you got?

        -       Okay, what’s behind the counter?

        -       Give us the tear gas.

Thanks to the £10,000 you acquired from the motorists, you can afford to buy the TEAR GAS GRENADE LAUNCHER.  When conversation is over, explore the shop.  Take CHEDDER CHEESE from the table near the door.  Take EYE-BO VIDEO TAPE from the display stand.  Talk to Whizzer and work through all the dialogue with him.  It’s soon obvious that he’s also hypnotised.  So all 3 Soda Jerk kids are hypnotised… but why?  One thing’s for certain, you need to break their trance.  Keep asking Whizzer to sing the Soda Jerks song, and eventually he’ll sing it for you (if you're playing the 2020 version, he won't sing it for you).  When conversation is over, look at Not’chos poster on the wall on the left.  Try to enter bathroom door on the left - Max will go in your place.  When Whizzer runs into the bathroom, place CHEDDER CHEESE into Whizzer’s Crate of videos.  When Whizzer tries to leave the shop, Bosco’s security system will knock him unconscious.  When you’re ready, leave Bosco’s shop. 

Walk left a few steps, and look at the graffiti on the wall outside your office.  Use can of SPRAY PAINT on the graffiti to ‘improve’ it.  Specs comes running, and wants to fix the graffiti back to how it was before.  When you’re ready, enter your office. 

Insert EYE-BO VIDEO TAPE into the VCR on your desk.  Watch the cut scene as Jimmy Two-Teeth gets hypnotised.  Now watch the TV to watch the programme about the Soda Poppers, and repeat this until you’ve seen all 3 Soda Poppers kids, as well as Brady Culture.  Look out the open window, and you’ll see Specs down below.  Drop the BOWLING BALL onto him to knock him unconscious.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Specs is lying unconscious in the street.  However, you can‘t wake him up yet.  Walk left, and enter Sybil’s Shop again. 

Use TEAR GAS GRENADE LAUNCHER on Peepers to slow him down, then use BOXING GLOVE on Peepers to knock him unconscious.  Watch the cut scene as Sybil brings Peepers out of his hypnotic state.  Now leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and notice that Specs is still unconscious on the pavement next to the stairs outside your office.  Talk to Specs to wake him up and cure his trance. 

Continue right for a few steps and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Talk to Whizzer, who’s lying unconscious on the ground next the door to wake him up.  When you mention that you are police, he runs away.  Leave the shop. 

You now find yourself back in your car, chasing the 3 Soda Poppers car, hoping catch them.  You need to catch up to them, so that you can talk to them. 

You need to catch up to the Soda Poppers car.  Avoid all obstacles on the road, since they will just slow you down.  When you’re close, shoot GUN at the tyres of the Soda Poppers’ car to stop them. 

Whizzer points you in the direction of Brady Culture’s home. 


SAVE YOUR GAME HERE.  Explore the area, and take a SUBMISSIONS \ SYMPTOMS FORM from the wall, to the left of the monkey.  Sam will read the form.  It’s very important to take note of what he says, as this will change for every game.  There are 3 symptoms connected with Artificial Personality Disorder.  Take a note of which 3 symptoms are mentioned. 

        -       Obsession with fame (or money).

        -       Violent reactions to dentistry (or hair styling).

        -       Unconscious desire to marry one’s mother (or see one‘s

Use your car to return to your own neighbourhood. 

Walk left a few steps and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Give SYMPTOMS FORM to Sybil.  Remember the 3 symptoms that were mentioned earlier.  Sybil wants to psychoanalyse you, so she can determine if you have Artificial Personality Disorder or not.  There are 3 main tests she can perform in order to determine this.  Choose the following option. 

        -       Let’s try the inkblots.

If the first symptom mentioned was fame, use the following options. 

        -       Susan Lucci holding an emmy.

        -       Pigeons on the marquee at Mann’s Chinese theatre.

        -       An autograph written in braille?

        -       A cheering crowd of lanky albinos.

        -       That blotchy thing a flashbulb does to your eyes.

If the first symptom mentioned was money, use the following options. 

        -       Pennies on the eyes of a dead mime.

        -       An SUV crashing into an opulent mansion.

        -       My uncle Louie’s moth-eaten wallet.

        -       Elephant’s at the New York Stock Exchange.

        -       A debit card fed through a document shredder.

Hopefully, you’ve passed the first test, and she‘ll confirm that you have one of the symptoms for Artificial Personality Disorder.  Now for the second test.  Choose the following option. 

        -       Let’s try free association.

In this test, you have to react violently if Sybil says a word connected to the second symptom. 

If your second symptom is Hair Styling, use your BIG GUN on Sybil when she mentions the following words that are connected to hair styling.  If the word she says isn’t connected to hair styling, simply talk to Sybil and choose any response. 

        -       Sybil says Tumbleweed.  Talk to her and choose any response.

        -       Sybil says Crown.  Talk to her and choose any response.

        -       Sybil says Comb.  Use your BIG GUN on her. 

If your second symptom is Dentistry, use your BIG GUN on Sybil when she mentions the following words that are connected to dentistry.  If the word she says isn’t connected to hair styling, simply talk to Sybil and choose any response. 

        -       Sybil says Tumbleweed.  Talk to her and choose any response.

        -       Sybil says Crown.  Talk to her and choose any response.

        -       Sybil says Comb.  Talk to her and choose any response. 

        -       Sybil says Crown.  Talk to her and choose any response.

        -       Sybil says Crown.  Talk to her and choose any response.

        -       Sybil says Drill.  Use your BIG GUN on her. 

        -       Sybil says Dryer.  Talk to her and choose any response.

Sybil confirms that you have 2 symptoms of Artificial Personality Disorder. 

Now for the 3rd test.  Talk to Sybil and choose the following option. 

        -       Let’s try dream analyses. 

Sybil will put you into a dream-state, which sends you back to your office. 

If the third symptom is to marry one’s mother, perform the following actions. 

        -       Click on the pink donut box below the window. 

        -       Say A Wedding Cake. 

        -       Walk over to the black silhouette on the right.

        -       Say the other person in the room is you (Sybil). 

If the third symptom is to see your peer getting older, perform the following actions. 

        -       Click on the pink donut box below the window. 

        -       Say A Birthday Cake. 

        -       Walk over to the black silhouette on the right.

        -       Say the other person in the room is Max. 

Sybil confirms that you have all 3 symptoms of Artificial Personality Disorder, and signs your ADMISSIONS \ SYMPTOMS FORM.  Leave Sybil’s shop. 

Click on your Desoto car, and choose the following option.

        -       Brady Culture’s Home For Former Child Stars. 


When you arrive back at Brady Culture’s home, insert SYMPTOMS FORM into the form reader slot below the monkey.  The gate slides open, so open the door and enter Brady’s home. 


Watch the cut scene with Brady Culture.  Brady hypnotises you to become a delivery man, delivering videos to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

You have to knock yourself unconscious, in order to break your hypnotic trance.  Bosco’s security system helps you with this.  Pick up some CHEESE as you walk past the table near the door, and you automatically pop it into your basket.  As you try to leave the shop, Bosco’s security system knocks you unconscious. 

You wake up in your office, but you are still hypnotised.  You need to defeat all the versions of Brady. 

Turn off light switch next to door on the left. 

Shoot the One-Way sign next to the door with your BIG GUN to acquire Max’s head.  Use MAX’S HEAD with Brady Culture near the door to return Max to normal. 

Take the COAT HANGER antenna from the TV on your desk. 

Use the bike pump next to the filing cabinet on the right, and notice how it inflates Jimmy Two-Tooth.  Open cupboard on the right, and quickly use bike pump to inflate Jimmy again.  Jimmy guzzles down cheese Brady Culture. 

Your hypnotic trance is now broken. 

You wake up, back in Bosco’s shop.  Work through all the dialogue with Bosco, then leave the shop. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter the office. 

Take COAT HANGER antenna from the TV on the desk.  Leave the office. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

BUG ALERT:  If you don’t see Sybil at her desk, don’t panic.  Walk over to the cupboard on the right.  Hover your mouse around the door knob, or to the right of the door knob, and you’ll see Sybil’s name appear.  Click on her name, and she’ll appear back at her desk on the left. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She tells you how to block hypnosis, then gives you a HELMET DIAGRAM.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Head right, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Give HELMET DIAGRAM to Bosco.  He can build your helmet, but he needs an antenna for the top.  Give him your COAT HANGER, and he gives you a state-of-the-art ANTI-HYPNOSIS HELMET.  Leave the shop. 

Walk left, and click on your Desoto car to return to Brady Culture’s home. 


Click on the gate to enter Brady’s home.  You automatically wear your ANTI-HYPNOSIS HELMET to protect you from Brady’s hypnosis. 


The Soda Popper kids appear, eager to put an end to Brady’s evil schemes.  Unfortunately, Brady hypnotises them again, and commands them to attack you.  Talk to the Soda Poppers, and choose the following options. 

        -       Become… Brady Culture.  (If you're playing the 2020 version, Worship... Me)

        -       Worship… Me.  (If you're playing the 2020 version, Attack... Me)

You trick the Soda Poppers into attacking Brady Culture.  Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 

This episode begins in your office.  The Commissioner has informed you that TV Talk Show Host Myra Stump is holding her audience hostage.  You have to stop her, and rescue her audience. 

Explore the office.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Use the answering machine a few times to hear some amusing messages.  Turn on the TV on the desk to see Myra at the TV station.  Open cupboard on the right, and look at Brady Culture’s hair.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She needs a photo for the cover of her new magazine publication.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right, and continue right until you reach Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Work through all the dialogue with Bosco.  He’s convinced someone is stealing his shaving cream.  He tells you that he has a VOICE MODULATOR for sale behind the counter.  It’s just a pity you can’t afford it right now.  Try to take the SHAVING CREAM from the table next to the door… only to see it get pinched by Jimmy Two-Teeth!  Explore the shop.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk left a few steps, and click on the Desoto car.  Select the following option. 

You’re now in a high-speed chase with Jimmy and his pals.  Select the BIG GUN, and start shooting at Jimmy’s car.  The aim, is to make Jimmy drive into a manhole in the road.  Keep shooting the car on the right side, so it moves closer to the middle of the road.  When you see a manhole, shoot Jimmy’s car again.  Jimmy and his pals will fall down into the manhole, and you get the SHAVING CREAM. 

Click on the Desoto car again, and choose the following dialogue. 

Explore the studio.  Walk right a few steps, talk to the Director, and work through all the dialogue.  She’s holding auditions for the ’Midtown Cowboys’ TV programme, and you and Max decide to audition.  However, you need to prepare for the role.  During your audition, use the SHAVING CREAM on yourself, to make it seem as though you have rabies.  Now it’s Max’s turn to audition.  You have to help him show sadness.  Use TEAR GAS GRENADE LAUNCHER on Max to make him cry.  Both your auditions were a success, and the Director hires you.  Head through the sitcom door on the right, into the Midtown Cowboys set. 


In the first scene, you and Max are in your apartment, and you have to hide your cow from the grumpy landlord.  Work through the dialogue with the Director.  Now it’s time for the scene.  Pick up PLATE from the table behind you.  Take LAMPSHADE from the lamp next to the chair (it looks like a chef‘s hat).  Look at cactus on the cabinet below the window.  Look at trophy and books on the shelves on the left.  Look at TV on the left.  Now look at the cow, and look at the cowpie on the floor behind her.  DON’T pull the cow’s tail yet!  Place the LAMPSHADE on the cow’s head to disguise her.  Your landlord will enter the apartment, and accuse you of hiding a cow in the apartment.  Use the following dialogue option. 

Notice the cowpie that the cow… deposited.  Use the PLATE on the cowpie to pick it up.  The landlord will walk behind the cow, and pull her tail.  Use the following dialogue option. 

        -       “Moo Goo Gai Pan,“ a delicious food. 

You automatically feed the plate of cowpie to your landlord.  Watch how the scene plays out.  At the end of the scene, the Director will give you a MIDTOWN COWBOYS CLIP videotape of your performance.  Go through the Cooking Show door on the right. 


In this scene, you’re in a kitchen.  Explore the set.  Click on the pot on the front counter to start shooting.  Use the following dialogue option. 

Pick any ingredients you like to add to the cake.  When you’re happy with your cake, click on the oven icon at the bottom right to cook it.  That’s all you have to do here.  You get to keep the CAKE you baked. 

Walk through door on the left, back into the Midtown Cowboys set. 


Go through the Game Show door on the right wall. 


This studio is set up for a game show, presented by Hugh Bliss, inventor of Prismatology.  Work through all the dialogue with Hugh.  He’s trying to promote his new book.  If you’ve already spoken to Sybil in her shop, you know that she wants a photo of 3 people, including a green alien.  This is your chance to help her.  Ask Hugh to turn green.  Make sure you ask about a photo with Hugh.  He agrees, and you get a PHOTO WITH HUGH BLISS.  Now explore the studio.  Click on the podium if you like, but you will get the question wrong.  When you’re ready, go through the pink Talk Show door on the right. 

Myra Stump is behind the door.  Work through all the dialogue with her.  She won’t let you be a guest on her show, unless you show her your recording contract, a clip from your TV programme, and evidence of a juicy scandal you were involved in.  You should already have a clip from your Sitcom, so give her that just now.  If you don’t have that yet, don’t worry, you can come back here later.  When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and head back through the Midtown Cowboys door. 


Head through the Embarrassing Idol door on the left. 


This studio features a music singing show, starring the Soda Poppers kids from the last episode.  They need another judge, so Max volunteers himself as a judge. 

The first contestant is Peepers.  Watch him perform - he’s terrible!  Unfortunately, Peepers is the ONLY contestant!  Maybe you could find someone else to take part in the contest?  After Peepers has finished his performance, talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Specs and work through all the dialogue - note that says he is impressed by someone who can sing a high note.  Talk to Whizzer and work through all the dialogue - note his comments about his birthday.  Also note that he dislikes tomatoes. 

When conversation is over, look at the pool of green acid with the shark swimming in it.  Click on the microphone on the platform to start performing - select any song title that takes your fancy, then select any lyrics you like.  Unfortunately, you haven’t impressed the judges.  After your performance, walk right a few steps.  Talk to Peepers and work through all the dialogue.  Take PEEPERS’ LYRICS from the apple crate next to him.  Now head through the blue sitcom door, into Midtown Cowboys. 


Walk right a few steps, and go through Game Show door on the right. 


Click on the podium on the left to take part in Hugh’s game contest.  No matter what answer you select, you’ll still get it wrong.  Now look at Hugh’s podium, and take GAME SHOW QUESTIONS from the card slot.  Place PEEPERS’ LYRICS into the card slot, in place of the real questions.  Now click on podium on the left again.  Hugh will ask you another question, but this time, he’ll be reading from Peeper’s lyrics cards.  That means you can answer it.  Hugh will ask you ‘Am I Blue?’.  Look at the colour of Hugh, and answer the question accordingly.  If he’s blue, answer ‘Yes’.  If he’s red or green, answer ‘No’.  Congratulations, you win the game show!  Unfortunately, they don’t actually have £1 million pounds to give you, so they give you £1 million worth of FOOD STAMPS instead. 

This would be a good time to go back home, and check on your friend Sybil.  Head through the Midtown Cowboys door on the left. 


Walk left a few steps, and head through the Embarrassing Idol door on the left. 


Walk left a few steps, and click on the Exit door on the left. 

You automatically jump in your car, and return home. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s shop. 

Give PHOTO WITH HUGH BLISS to Sybil.  Sybil doesn’t waste any time in printing it in her new publication.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right, and continue right, until you reach Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Look at the yellow Newspaper Box outside Bosco’s shop, and take ALIEN LOVE TRIANGLE TIMES publication from it.  Now enter Bosco’s shop. 

Give FOOD STAMPS to Bosco, and buy the VOICE MODULATOR instead.  Now walk left a few steps, to the Fine Kwizine area.  Remember Whizzer’s dislike of tomatoes?  Use CAKE with the Condiments dispenser to get CAKE WITH KETCHUP ICING.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk left a few steps, and click on the Desoto car, and choose the following dialogue option. 


When you arrive back at the TV Studio, you automatically enter the Embarrassing Idol set. 

Give CAKE WITH KETCHUP ICING to Whizzer.  He quickly guzzles it… then rushes off to the bathroom.  You’re down to 2 judges.  Use VOICE MODULATOR on yourself to make your voice higher, then click on the microphone to start singing.  As before, choose any song title, and choose any song lyrics. 

You impressed Specs with your high note, so you won his vote.  Max always votes for you anyway, so you have his vote.  You’ve won the contest, Sam.  Congratulations.  Your prize is a RECORDING CONTRACT.  Walk right, and go through the sitcom door, into Midtown cowboys. 


Walk right a few steps, and go through the Game Show door in the right wall. 


Walk right a few steps, and open the purple Talk Show door that leads to Myra’s set. 

Myra is still guarding the door.  Talk to her, and choose the following dialogue option. 

        -       How do we get on your show again?

        -       We have a recording contract. 

        -       We’re on the cover of a tabloid. 

        -       We have a clip of our SitCom (if you haven’t already given it to her). 

Myra finally agrees to let you be guests in her Talk Show. 

Watch a short cut scene - there‘s something not quite right with that blue bear.  Now work through all the dialogue with Myra.  When she starts babbling, use VOICE MODULATOR on yourself, then talk to Myra again.  Use the following dialogue option. 

        -       I’d rather relive my embarrassing Idol glory.

You start singing, and playing the banjo.  The glass of water in front of Myra breaks.  Talk to Myra again, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       About that picture in the ‘Times’…

        -       There was someone else involved.

Bessy is invited back, to talk to Myra.  Myra moves the microphone so that Bessy can reach it.  Myra and the blue bear are electrocuted, and the blue bear is destroyed.  Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 

The game starts in your office.  Your mission this time, is to find Mole, and help him take down the Toy Mafia. 

Explore the office.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Pick up the ACE OF SPADES card that Max threw in front of the rat hole.  Also note that Jimmy Two-Teeth is now an official fence.  Open cupboard on the right, to see mementos of your previous cases.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s shop. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She’s a professional Trial Witness now.  Explore the shop.  You can’t really do anything here at the moment, so when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Click on your Desoto car, and choose the following dialogue option. 

        -       Ted E Bear’s Mafia-Free Playland and Casino.


When you arrive at the Casino, you’re greeting by Lovey Bear, who gives you unlimited TOKENS to spend in the Casino.  Work through all the dialogue with him. 

When conversation is over, look at the blue Whack Da Ratz machine next to him.  Use a TOKEN on the machine to start playing, and use your BIG GUN to start shooting.  The aim is to shoot the orange ‘singing’ rats, and ignore the yellow ‘silent’ rats.  When you shoot 20 orange rats, you win the prize, which is a TED E BEAR MAGNET. 

Look at the Disturbing Bear Heads on the wall. 

Talk to Cuddly Bear - the Dealer at the table, and work through all the dialogue.  You automatically begin a round of Indian Poker with Leonard, who’s also at this table.  Choose if you want to bet, or fold.  I recommend you bet.  You won’t win, but notice how Leonard seems to be looking up at something.  Now continue the conversation with Leonard.  When conversation is over, walk left a few steps to the Exit door, but don’t leave the building. 

Look at the clown nose above the Exit door.  It’s very shiny - you can even see Leonard’s reflection in it.  Hmm, maybe Leonard is using this as a way to cheat at cards, and that’s how he always wins.  Well, we’ll soon put a stop to that!  Stick your ACE OF SPADES card onto the shiny clown nose.  Now return to Leonard’s table. 

Talk to the Dealer or Leonard again, and tell him you want to play another round of cards.  Leonard does his usual trick of looking at the reflection in the shiny clown nose, but this time, thanks to you, he thinks he has an Ace Of Spades, so he bets all his money to win.  Agree to bet him.  Naturally, you win, so you get a whole STACK O TOKENS. 

Walk right a few steps, until you see the Back Room Door. 

Click on either the Back Room door, or the guard.  Work through all the dialogue.  The guard won’t let you through the door unless you tell him the password… but you don’t know what the password is. 

Look at the ‘Buffet Closed’ sign, which is hanging on the wall.  Walk right to the One-Armed Bandit machine. 

Insert STACK O TOKENS into the One Armed Bandit machine.  You win, but there’s no prize.  Damn!  Note that as you are playing this, a Mafia Teddy enters the back room.  Unfortunately, you can’ hear the password he tells to the guard. 

Work your way round the room, until you see the Meatball Sandwich Display.  Click on the display to learn the history of the Meatball Sandwich.  You can’t do anything with the display, but the information it tells you will prove useful later on. 

You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so leave the Casino. 

Walk right a few steps, until you see Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Work through all the dialogue with Bosco.  He tells you about his secret MINITURE LISTENING DEVICE that he has for sale.  Buy the MINITURE LISTENING DEVICE using the STACK O TOKENS you won at the Casino.  Bosco gives you an ORGANIC LISTENING DEVICE.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk left a few steps, and click on your Desoto car.  Return to the Casino. 


Walk right a few steps, so you can see the Back Room Door and the blue Teddy Guard.  Use ORGANIC LISTENING DEVICE with the blue Teddy Guard, and he will jump onto the wall behind the guard.  Now walk right to the One-Armed Bandit. 

Insert TOKEN into the One-Armed Bandit.  You win again, but there is still no prize. 

Walk over to the blue Teddy Guard that’s guarding the Back Room Door.  Take ORGANIC LISTENING DEVICE from the wall behind the guard.  The bug automatically tells you everything he heard, so you now know the password.  Talk to the Guard, and tell him the password. 

        -       Leave the gun.  Take the cannolis. 

You finally gain access to the Back Room. 

Chuckles greets you into the Back Room.  Work through all the dialogue with him.  He gives you 3 tasks that you must complete before being accepted into the Mafia family - force Bosco to stock their Mafia Bear toys (he gives you a TEDDY BEAR BOX), kill Sybil, and find and retrieve the original Meatball Sandwich which has been stolen.  Explore the area.  Look at the monitors, and note that one of the monitors connects to Sybil‘s shop.  When you’re ready, leave the Back Room. 

Back in the Casino, note that Leonard and the Dealer have left the gambling table.  Walk left, and leave the Casino. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s shop. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She’s rather spooked, since she knows that somebody is trying to kill her.  Little does she suspect that it’s you she has to be wary off.  When conversation is over, take SYBIL’S COFFEE CUP from her desk.  Now leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter your office. 

Watch the cut scene with Leonard and Jimmy Two-Teeth.  It was Leonard who stole the meatball sandwich, and now he’s trying to fence it to Jimmy Two-Teeth.  Work through all the dialogue with Leonard.  Now use Max to talk to Leonard, and ask about the CAP GUN.  It turns out that Leonard is using a toy CAP GUN that can’t really hurt anyone.  You take the CAP GUN from him.  It isn’t long before Leonard is tied up and incapacitated.  You discover that his weak spot is his mother, so use the following dialogue with him to get some answers. 

        -       Your mama’s so fat… she has more folds than an origami accordion. 

        -       Your mama’s so radiant… if she fell in nuclear waste, no one would notice. 

        -       Your mama’s so thrifty… she brings coupons to the Penny Arcade.

        -       Your mama’s so perky… the only time she’s low is at a limbo contest. 

        -       Your mama’s so vulgar… her mouth would make a longshoreman blush. 

        -       Your mama’s so punctual… she showed up early for her own funeral. 

Leonard finally cracks, and tells you that he hid the meatball sandwich inside the One-Armed Bandit at the casino.  You take the BANDIT ARM that Leonard removed from the One-Armed Bandit machine, then automatically leave the office.. 

Click on the Desoto car, and return to the Casino. 


Walk right to the One-Armed Bandit machine.  Attach BANDIT ARM onto the machine, then insert TOKEN into the machine.  You win the prize of the MEATBALL SANDWICH.  Watch the cut scene as you return the sandwich.  When you’re ready, leave the Casino.                                 

Head right to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Look at the anti-delivery camera next to the counter.  You need to distract Bosco, so that you can tamper with the camera.  Talk to Bosco, and tell him the following dialogue option. 

        -       Look, it’s the Toy Mafia! 

Bosco becomes focussed on what’s going on outside.  Place TED E BEAR MAGNET onto to anti-delivery camera.  The B-Tads security system will recognise that the magnet isn’t part of Bosco’s normal stock, so it removes the entire camera.  Now place TEDDY BEAR BOX onto the table next to the front door.  Since you’re here, walk left to the Fine Kwizine area, and use SYBILS COFFEE CUP with the Condiments dispenser next to the bathroom, to fill it with tomato ketchup.  You now have a KETCHUP-FILL CUP, which looks just like blood.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Head all the way left, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Give KETCHUP-FILLED CUP to Sybil, thus replacing it on her desk.  Shoot the KETCUP-FILLED CUP with your BIG GUN.  The ketchup splatters over Sybil, and she faints with he shock.  The Toy Mafia Teddies witness this event through their monitor, and from their side, it looks as though you really shot Sybil dead.  You automatically return to the Casino. 


The Toy Mafia are pleased with your work, and welcome you into their Mafioso.  You finally get to meet the Big Boss Ted E Bear.  As a sign of respect, he removes his mask so you can see his face.  But you’re shocked to learn Ted E Bear’s true identity… he’s Mole, the one you were supposed to help bring down the Mafia!  He’s switched sides!  You automatically say the password, revealing that you are freelance police, and are trying to bring them down.  Mole confirms that he really is a traitor.  The Toy Mafia are not happy about this turn of events, and start chasing you. 

You have to escape the Toy Mafia.  Use your GUN to shoot one of the Prismatology signs that are hanging above the road - time it so that you can keep driving, but the sign falls down behind you, stopping the Mafia’s car.  You escape, and return to Casino to confront Ted E Bear himself. 


In the Back Room, head through the Sinister Door on the right.  You find yourself in a bear-making factory that makes hypno-bears. 

Ted E Bear \ Harry Mole ‘greets’ you, and tries to hypnotise you, not knowing that you have an anti-hypnotism device built into your hat.  You decide to play along, until you get a chance to stop him.  Ted E Bear \ Harry Mole commands you to shoot Max.  So play along, but use the toy CAP GUN to shoot Max.  Watch the cut scene as Max plays out a long death scene.  Harry Mole believes you are truly hypnotised, so he leaves you in charge while he goes to read his newspaper. 

Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Walk left to the One-Armed Bandit machine, and take the SCREWDRIVER that’s on the table next to it.  Use SCREWDRIVER on the One-Armed Bandit machine to prise out the VOICE BOX.  Pick up the VOICE BOX.  Walk right a few steps, and look at the orange hopper, which is full of the real voice boxes that are inserted into the hypno-bears.   Add your VOICE BOX from the One-Armed Bandit machine into the hopper, so it gets inserted into one of the hypno-bears.  Note that this ALTERED TEDDY BEAR falls off the conveyer belt, onto the floor - pick up ALTERED TEDDY BEAR.  Use ALTERED TEDDY BEAR on Ted E Bear \ Harry Mole to hypnotise him, making him believe he really is on fire.  He rushes over to the fire extinguisher in panic.  Follow him, and pull the leaver next to him.  Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 

Watch the cut scene, as you get your next mission from the Commissioner.  President Abe Lincoln has gone rogue, and it’s up to you to stop him.  You automatically drive over to The White House. 

The game begins now.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Take BOXING GLOVE that’s lying next to the pool.  Look at periscope in the pool, and look at Jimmy Two-Teeth in his water-ring in the pool.  Approach The White House, and look at the mailbox you crashed into.  Look at the Presidential Storage door on the left.  Look at sign on the wall.  Talk to Secret Service Agent and work through all the dialogue.  He won’t let you inside.  Dang!  Look at the payphone on the right - you get the phone number for the phone.  Now go back to your Desoto car, and return to your office. 

Enter the alley, and look at the ‘Give Me All You Got’ posters.  One will fall to the ground, so pick up GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT POSTER.  Now leave the alley, and go left, into Sybil’s Shop. 

Walk left a few steps.  Look at mailbox outside Sybil’s Shop.  Enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  When you join her dating service, she enters your details into her computer, and finds out that your perfect soul mate is… Max!  Explore her shop if you like, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, then enter your office. 

Explore the office.  Watch the TV to see an advert with the President.  Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of your previous cases.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Use the answering machine a few times to hear some amusing messages from the President.  Now use the phone, and select the following dialogue options (this won‘t work unless you looked at the payphone outside the White House). 

Agent Superball (the Agent you saw outside the White House earlier) answers, and dutifully agrees to stay on ‘hold’.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk left a few steps, and click on your Desoto car.  Head back to The White House. 

Back at the White House, you see Agent Superball still distracted on the phone, heehee.  Enter through the doors, into the White House. 

Watch the cut scene to learn that the President has been hypnotised.  Explore the office.  When you try to enter the War Room, Agent Chuckles will throw you out. 

Witness Governor Whizzer enter the White House!  When did Whizzer become Governor?  Enter the White House again. 

Watch the cut scene, with the President asking you to act as Interpreter for Whizzer.  Talk to Whizzer and work through all the dialogue.  It seems he’s beaten his soda-addiction.  Talk to the President - you can have a lot of fun with this dialogue, but the main aim is to get Whizzer drinking soda again.  So choose the following dialogue options. 

        -       We’re ready to interpret. 

        -       What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink around here?

        -       Which way is the War Room?

Chuckles will ‘escort’ Whizzer out of the White House, leaving you alone with the President.  Hit the President with you BOXING GLOVE to break his hypnotic trance.  Except… things don’t exactly go according to plan.  Your punch to the President knocks his head off, revealing him to be a robot!  Agent Chuckles returns, sees what has happened… and reveals his true colours.  It was his intention all along, to replace the President!  Thus, he activates the next stage of his cunning plan by bringing a giant statue of Abraham Lincoln to life. 

You can’t allow Abe Lincoln and Agent Chuckles to gain control of the White House, so you come up with your own plan.  Max will run for President, against Abe Lincoln. 

Walk right a few steps, to the debate platform.  Use ORGANIC LISTENING DEVICE on Lincoln to record his speech.  Take ORGANIC LISTENING DEVICE back from the podium in front of Lincoln.  Look at the pile of flyers at Lincoln’s feet, and take LINCOLN CAMPAIGN FLYER.  Now walk left a few steps, click on your Desoto car, and return to your office. 

Head right, and continue right, until you see Hugh Bliss and his Free Home Delivery stall.  Talk to Hugh and work through all the dialogue.  When you ask him to perform a magic trick, he’ll disappear.  While he is gone, take FREE HOME DELIVERY sign.  After a short while, Hugh will reappear.  Leave Hugh for now, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop next door. 

Work through all the dialogue with Bosco.  You learn about his TRUTH SERUM that he’s keeping behind the counter.  Unfortunately, you can’t afford it yet.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Place LINCOLN CAMPAIGN FLYER into Sybil’s Dating Service Box on her desk - Sybil decides that Lincoln is perfect for her.  Leave her shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter your office. 

Use ORGANIC LISTENING DEVICE with the phone, then use the following dialogue options. 

        -       I, Abraham Lincoln, am that man.

        -       This is a date that will be remembered for centuries... 

        -       I stand here at the steps of the White House.

        -       The time to act is now. 

Sybil eagerly rushes off to meet Abe Lincoln at the White House. 

You automatically return to the White House.  Watch the cut scene with Sybil.  Look at the president’s severed head, which is floating in the pool. 

Now it’s time to defeat Lincoln in a debate, and for Max to become President.  Talk to Lincoln to begin a debate with him, and work through all the dialogue.  Now use Max, and work through all the dialogue.  Hmm, the polls remain unchanged, and Lincoln is still the favourite to win.  It’s time to play dirty! 

Look at the cue cards to the right of Lincoln, then place the GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT POSTER on to the cue card stand.  Talk to Lincoln again and use the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s talk about the issues.

        -       How would you describe your tax plan? 

Lincoln’s reply doesn’t go down well, and affects his ratings in the polls.  Place FREE HOME DELIVERY sign on the cue cards to the right of Lincoln.  Talk to Lincoln, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s talk about the issues.

        -       How do you plan to solve the problem of toxic waste?

The  voters don’t like Abe’s response.  Use the cue cards to the right of Lincoln 3 times, so that the ‘Two Wrongs Don’t Make A Right’ message is showing.  Talk to Lincoln and use the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s talk about the issues.

        -       Where do you stand on religion and schools?

This is the last straw, and brings about Lincoln’s downfall.  Max is voted President!  Lincoln is furious!  He storms off on a rampage, determined to hypnotise everyone to become his slaves.  Walk left a few steps, and enter the White House. 

As newly-elected President, Max sits at his new desk.  All 3 Soda Popper kids are here.  Talk to Peepers and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Specs and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Whizzer and work through all the dialogue.  Each kid is Governor of a different part of Dakota.  When you’ve finished talking to the Soda Poppers kids, leave the office. 

Click on your Desoto car on the left, and return to your office. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She’s devastated after her date with Abe, and has now changed careers to ‘carbon-dater’.  During the conversation, she scans a Tiki statue on her desk, and discovers that it’s 2000 years old - old enough to qualify her for the National Register Of Historic Places.  When conversation is over, leave her shop. 

Click on your Desoto car, and return to the White House. 

Enter into the White House. 

Max sits at his desk again.  Take the red SECRETARY RIBBON from Max’s desk.  Look at the National Budget book on the desk - you have £100 million to allocate as you see fit.  Tick Sybil Pandemik’s Office.  Now leave the White House. 

Click on your Desoto car and return to your office. 

Enter Sybil’s Shop on the left. 

Sybil is nowhere to be seen - she’s probably out celebrating her grant, after discovering how old the Tiki statue is.  Pick up CARBON DATING DEVICE from her desk, then use CARBON DATING DEVICE with Tiki statue on the desk to discover that a mistake has been made, and Tiki statue is only 10 years old.  Leave the shop. 

Head right, and continue right to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Use CARBON DATING DEVICE with the Hot Weenies display, to discover that the Weenies are officially ‘Ancient’.  Leave the shop. 

Walk left a few steps, click on your Desoto car, and go to the White House. 

Enter into the White House. 

Look at the National Budget book on the desk, and tick Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Leave the White House. 

Click on your Desoto car on the left, and return to your office. 

Walk right to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, and enter the shop. 

Talk to Bosco to congratulate him on his grant.  He gives you the TRUTH SERUM.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Head left, click on your Desoto car, and return to the White House. 

Enter into the White House. 

Give TRUTH SERUM to Whizzer.  Whizzer is instantly drunk, which results in a huge fight between all 3 Soda Poppers kids.  Watch the cut scene.  Now give SECRETARY RIBBON to the Secret Service Agent, and choose any of the Secretary titles.  Look at the calendar next to Maxi’s desk, and note how ‘Secretary’s Day’ is on 26 April.  Take the ‘Today’ Sticky Note from the calendar, and move it to 26 April.  Now talk to the Secret Service Agent, using the following dialogue option. 

The Secret Service Agent leaves his post, finally giving you access to the War Room.  Enter the War Room. 

Explore the War Room.  Look at War Manual on the right end of the desk.  Look at the Targeting Computer, and note that Antarctica is displayed.  Hit the Fire button to destroy it.  Click on ‘Next Target’ 3 times, so that Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop is shown.  Hit the Fire button if you like, but Bosco’s defence systems destroy the missile and saves his shop.  Make sure the monitor stays on Bosco’s shop, and when you’re ready, leave the War Room, and leave the White House. 

Use your Desoto car on the left, and return to your office. 

Head right a few steps, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Look at the security camera to the right of the door, and automatically take BEACON from the camera.  Leave the shop. 

Walk right, click on your Desoto car, and select the following dialogue option. 

        -       Let’s chase down Lincoln. 

This leads to a high-speed chase, where you’re trying to stop Lincoln’s rampage.  Throw BEACON at Lincoln, and it will stick to his back.  Now click on The White House icon at the bottom right. 

Enter into the White House. 

Look at the Targeting Computer on the right end of the desk.  You see Lincoln rampaging through the streets (if you don‘t see him, simply click on Next Target, until his image appears on the screen).  Now hit the Fire button, then sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 

The game begins in your office, after the Commissioner has told you that computers everywhere are going haywire.  It’s up to you put things right. 

Explore the office.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Use the answering machine a few times to hear some amusing messages.  Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of previous cases.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk right a few steps to Bosco‘s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you about his BIOLOGICAL WEAPON, which you can’t afford yet.  Notice Jimmy Two-Teeth on the table next to the door.  Talk to Jimmy and work through all the dialogue.  Try to take the RAT CANNON next to Jimmy.  He shoots you with it, knocking you down.  But after he’s shot you, he has to reload.  Quickly click on Jimmy to shove him in the RAT CANNON (hee hee), then pick up the RAT CANNON.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Head left, and continue left, until you see Sybil’s Shop.  Enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Sybil’s engrossed in a virtual reality game.  Try talking to her, but she thinks you’re an enemy in her virtual game.  You need to get her out of that game!  Try to hit her with the BOXING GLOVE, but she’s flailing around so much, you can’t get near her.  Okay, shoot her with the RAT CANNON instead.  That did the trick.  Work through all the dialogue with Sybil.  She tells you about the C.O.P.S. team that’s moved into Lefty’s old place, and she’s beta testing virtual reality goggles for them.  When conversation is over, look at VR Goggles on the settee to confirm that they’re broken.  Explore the shop.  Try to open her cupboard on the right, but it’s locked.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Enter Lefty’s, which is next door to Sybil’s, at the end of the alley.  You can’t get access until Sybil tells you about C.O.P.S. 


You are greeted by several electronic devices.  Very bizarre!  Work through all the dialogue.  Gotta love their motivational song!  They give you a COMPUTER CHIP to repair Sybil’s VR Goggles.  When you’re ready, leave the room. 

Look at the ice cream delivery van.  Now enter Sybil’s Shop again. 

Insert COMPUTER CHIP into the VR Goggles on the settee to repair them.  You and Max both put on a set of VR Goggles, and enter the Virtual Reality world. 

Talk to Sybil if you like, but in this world, she’s just an avatar designed to inform you about the VR experience.  Click on the lips on her desk a few times to learn about her increasing frustrations with this VR game.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Look at the 3 GOLD COINS floating high up in the air… out of your reach!  If only there was some way you could jump higher.  Click on the 404 street sign.  Enter the Control Room (twice) to gain access to the VR version of Lefty’s \ C.O.P.S. 

Click on each of the Control Computers to learn their role in this world.  Make sure you click on Control Computer on the right, to disable pop-ups.  When you’re ready, leave the room. 

Pick up JACK IN THE BOX from the ground.  Click on the orange poster.  Walk left a few steps, and talk to Auntie Biotic, and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, walk right a few steps, and enter your Virtual Office. 

Watch the cut scene with Jimmy.  He has a GOLD COIN, which you need, but he won‘t give it to you.  Have a look around the office.  There’s not much you can do here are the moment, so when you’re ready, leave the office. 

Look at the Recycle Bin next to your office.  Talk to the Internet Wizard (Hugh Bliss) and work through all the dialogue.  He gives you a RAINBOW PAINT KIT to use with your car.  When conversation is over, enter Bosco’s E Convenience Shop on the right. 


Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you about the WOODEN LONG SWORD that he’s selling.  You need 5 GOLD COINS to purchase the LONG SWORD, which you don’t have yet.  Explore the shop.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Click on the spinning Save Point on the right.  Head left, and continue left, until you see your Desoto car.  Use RAINBOW PAINT KIT with your car, and choose which colours you’d like your car to be.  Now enter Control Room in the alley again. 

If necessary, click on each machine to remind yourself what each of them controls.  The phone on the left controls height.  Place COMPUTER BUG on the phone, and you become tiny - small enough to enter a rat hole, for example.  Leave the room. 

Make your way over to your office, and try to enter your office, but you’re too small to climb up the step.  Click on the goggles icon at bottom right to return to reality. 

Use VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES on yourself to enter the VR World. 

Enter Jimmy’s rat hole on the right.  Watch the cut scene as you take the GOLD COIN from Jimmy.  Now leave your office. 

Head left, and enter the Control Room in the alley. 

Take COMPUTER BUG from the phone, and you return to normal size.  Place COMPUTER BUG on the arcade machine, altering gravity, allowing you to jump higher.  Leave the room. 

Walk left a few steps, so you can see the 3 GOLD COINS floating in the air.  Click on the GOLD COINS to jump up (doing your best Mario impression while you’re at it) and simply take them.  Enter the Control Room again. 

Take COMPUTER BUG from the arcade machine, returning gravity to normal.  Place COMPUTER BUG on the typewriter computer, and you become 2D!  Leave the room. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil‘s Shop. 

Click on her cupboard on the right.  Now you’re 2D, you can simply slip through the gap under the door.  You find another GOLD COIN.  You have 5 GOLD COINS now.  Leave the shop. 

Enter the Control Room in the alley. 

Take COMPUTER BUG from the typewriter computer, and you become 3D again.  Phew!  For a bit of fun, place COMPUTER BUG on the pop-up computer on the right.  Not very helpful, but fun!  You automatically retrieve the COMPUTER BUG.  Now leave the room. 

Leave the alley.  Head right, and continue right, to Bosco’s E Convenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 


Give Bosco your 5 GOLD COINS, and buy the WOODEN LONG SWORD.  Hit Bosco with the WOODEN LONG SWORD to knock him out of this virtual reality, and back into the real world.  Now click on the goggles icon at the bottom right to return to reality. 

You still need to learn Bosco’s bank password is.  Look at the BINOCULARS on the counter.  Bosco won’t let you touch them.  Talk to Bosco, and use the following dialogue option. 

When Bosco turns round, take the BINOCULARS.  Now use BINOCULARS on Bosco to see his tattoo - his password is ‘Bosco’.  How original!  Now use VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES on yourself to enter the Virtual World again. 


Walk left a few steps and use the sludgie machine.  Look at the Menacing Blue Slime it produces.  Use your WOODEN LONG SWORD to attack the Blue Slime, and use the following options. 

        -       Attack with item (select the WOODEN LONG SWORD).

You defeat the Blue Slime, and pick up the BLUE SLIME that remains on the floor.  Leave the shop. 

Head left, and continue left, until you see you see your virtual Desoto car.  Click on your car, and choose to drive to Bancolavadero.com - the Virtual Bank. 

You arrive at the virtual bank, but you’re blocked by the firewall.  Watch, as the other cars are allowed in.  Notice that their license plate matches the colour scheme of their car.  That’s the key to gaining access to the bank.  Click on the Office icon at the bottom right to return to your street. 

Note that the licence plate on your car is BRP.  Use RAINBOW PAINT KIT on your car, and select the following colours. 

        -       Blue for the front

        -       Red for the middle

        -       Purple for the back

Now click on your car again, and return to Bancolavadero.com. 

This time, you’re able to drive straight into the bank. 

Inside the bank, gaining access to Bosco’s account isn’t as straightforward as you hoped.  You need to move £1 billion into his account.  Here’s how you do it. 

        -       Click on the ’Cook The Books’ in the red ‘Bosco’ square

        -       Enter the password - Bosco

        -       Click on ‘Cook The Books’ in the Kittens 4 Peace square

        -       Click on ‘Cook The Books’ in the Toy Mafia square

        -       Click on ‘Cook The Books’ in the Online Gambling square

        -       Click on ‘Cook The Books’ in the National Treasury square

Bosco now has £1 billion in his account!  You automatically return to your street. 

Click on the goggles icon at the bottom right to return to reality. 

Head right, and continue right, until you see Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Talk to Bosco.  He’s thrilled to find £1 billion in his bank account, and he gives you VIRULENT DISEASE in return.  Now you have the VIRULENT DISEASE, it’s time to spread it around the internet, and end this Virtual Reality world once and for all.  When you’re ready, leave the shop.

Use VIRTUAL REALITY GOGGLES on yourself to enter the Virtual world. 

Head left, and continue left, until you see the giant billboard above Sybil’s Shop.  Look at the giant billboard above Sybil’s shop, and look at the SWORD sticking out of the billboard.  Notice it is a +2 SWORD.  That’s the perfect weapon to defeat Auntie Biotic.  The problem is… it’s up there, and you’re down here.  If only you could jump higher!  Walk right a few steps, and enter the Control Room. 

Use COMPUTER BUG on the arcade machine again to alter gravity.  Also, click on the pop-up computer on the right to enable pop-ups.  You‘re gonna need pop-ups very soon.  Leave the Control Room. 

Now you’ve altered gravity again, click on the  +2 SWORD in the billboard to jump up there. 

Try to grab the +2 SWORD from the billboard, but it’s stuck.  No problem.  Use BLUE SLIME with the +2 SWORD to make it sticky, and you automatically pull the +2 SWORD out of the billboard.  Now jump back down to the street. 

Auntie Biotic is still here, guarding the mailbox.  Attack her with your newly-acquired +2 SWORD.  Now use the following options. 

        -       Defend with item (select the JACK IN THE BOX)

        -       Attack with item (select the +2 SWORD)

You defeated Auntie Biotic!  Hurrah!  Now use COMPUTER DISEASE with the mailbox.  The Internet isn’t happy about what you’ve done!  She’s lost her respect for living things, and wants revenge.  She starts to dismantle the Virtual world, starting with the graphics.  You find yourself in Reality 1.5 - a text adventure world.  Your only hope now, is to restore the Internet’s respect for living things. 

Read the text, then use the following dialogue options. 

        -       Look… Look at respect for living things

        -       Look… Look at the Internet

        -       Look… Look at Max

        -       Get… Get respect for living things (it falls into a chasm)

        -       Get… Get Bosco’s

        -       Go… Go North West

        -       Get… Get rare foil card

        -       Use… Use Bosco’s… Use Bosco’s with Nauseating lake

        -       Go… Go South East

        -       Use… Use Nauseating Bosco’s… With Corporate Presence

        -       Get… Get respect for living things

        -       Use… Use respect for living things… with Internet

The Internet respects you again.  Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scene. 

After discovering who is really behind all the recent trouble in town, you and Max head to the moon, to put a stop to all the nonsense, once and for all. 

Look at the flag that’s blowing in the wind (how does it do that, when there’s no wind on the moon?).  Look at the Lunar Lander. 

Enter the Moon Visitor Centre on the right.  Talk to Harry and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the Centre.  Look at the Spoon Bending Display - you knock it over, almost break it, and decide to keep the DISPLAY CASE containing the bent spoon.  Give DISPLAY CASE to Max, who swallows it whole!  When you’re ready, leave the Moon Visitor Centre.  Harry will frisk you as you leave, but he doesn’t find anything suspicious. 

Walk right a few steps to Blister Of Tranquillity.  Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue.  He gives you a toy UNICORN to measure your Spectral Bliss Level - you can’t get an audience with Hugh Bliss until you’re Level Red, but the unicorn‘s horn only shows yellow.  The UNICORN is basically a glorified mood ring.  Maybe heat could alter things? 

Walk right to the Bulletin Board.  For a bit of fun, read all the Notices on the board.  That’s all you can do on the moon for now.  Head left to your Desoto car.  Enter the car, and return to Earth. 

Enter Sybil’s Shop on the left. 

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  Explore her shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter your office. 

Explore your office.  Play the answering machine a few times to hear some amusing messages.  Watch the TV to see an advert for Hugh Bliss’s Prismotology book.  Take COAT HANGER from the TV.  Look in cupboard on the right to see mementos of your previous cases.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk right a few steps, to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

Talk to Bosco (or should that be Mama Bosco?) and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you about his EARTHQUAKE MAKER… which you can’t afford yet.  When conversation is over, explore the shop.  Use your UNICORN in the microwave, and the horn turns red.  Just what you were wanting!  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Head left, and continue left, until you see your Desoto car.  Use the car, and return to the Moon. 

Head right, and continue right, to the Blister Of Tranquillity. 

Show UNICORN (with the red horn) to Superball.  He lets you into the Blister Of Tranquillity. 

A hologram of Hugh Bliss greets everyone in the room, and reveals that he plans to hypnotise the world!  Oh dear!  Let’s explore the place.  Talk to the Bug, that’s on the green acid pool on the left.  Talk to the C.O.P.S computers on the left and work through all the dialogue.  They tell you about the latest game they are creating - Tic Tac Doom (Noughts & Crosses) - and challenge you to play it.  It’s pretty hard to lose to them, but lose you must!  When you lose, they give you their LEAD VISION TALISMAN.  Talk to Lincoln’s Stone Head and work through all the dialogue.  When it comes to sweet-talking Sybil, use the following dialogue options. 

        -       We’ll help you with Sybil.

        -       Lady, you a stone cold fox!

        -       Play some one-on-one love hockey.

Lincoln is thrilled to have a second chance with Sybil.  But he’s also very nervous about it.  In fact, he’s so nervous, he throws up the GASTROKINESIS TALSIMAN he had swallowed earlier.  Use GASTROKINESIS TALSIMAN with Max, who then throws up the DISPLAY CASE with bent spoon he swallowed earlier.  Talk to Philo Pennyworth, the chicken, who’s over on the right, and work through all the dialogue.  Watch him attempt a magic trick with his hat.  Unfortunately, Jimmy Two-Teeth is making things very difficult for poor Philo by holding tightly onto a parking meter, so that Philo can‘t pull him out of the hat.  Finish exploring the area - don’t forget to take a ride on the rollercoaster.  When you’re ready, use the Door To Surface (the tall red magician’s box) to return to the surface. 

Walk left a few steps to the Lunar Lander.  Place the DISPLAY CASE under Lunar rocket engine.  Use COAT HANGER with the Lunar Lander door to jimmy it open.  You enter the Lunar Lander, and try to fly it, but the controls are faulty.  Your crash landing destroyed the casing you placed under the engine that housed the bent spoon, so pick up the SPOON BEND TALSIMAN from under the Lunar Lander.  You also now have the LUNAR LANDER KEY.  Walk right a few steps, back to Blister Of Tranquillity. 

Enter the red magician’s box again, to travel down into the Blister Of Tranquillity. 

Ride the Rainbow Elevator in middle of the room, up to a dark room with Intimidating Door. 

Use LEAD VISION TALISMAN with the Intimidating Door to see through the door.  Try to press the big red button that was behind the door.  Look at sconce, and look at bowling ball that was behind the door.  Now use SPOON BEND TALISMAN on the bowling ball, to make it fall, and hit the big red button.  This in turn, opens the Intimidating Door, allowing you access to the room behind.  Watch the cut scene with Hugh Bliss.  Somehow, Hugh psychically mutilates Max, and uses his body parts to create doppelgangers of Max.  He also brainwashes Max into being nice!  Explore the room, and when you’re ready, press the big red button to leave the room.  You automatically ride the Rainbow Elevator back down to the main area. 

One of Max’s doppelgangers is here, causing mayhem. 

Look at the giant Hugh Bliss statue at the end of the rollercoaster ride, and look at the giant spork he’s holding.  Use SPOON BEND TALISMAN on the giant spork to bend it.  Now  walk right to the beginning of the rollercoaster ride.  Wait for Max’s doppleganger to jump onto the rollercoaster cart, then shoot the rollercoaster button with your BIG GUN.  Watch the cut scene as Max’s doppleganger is defeated, and Max gets his hand back.  There’s nothing else you can do here right now, so enter the tall red magician’s box to return to the surface. 

Another of Max’s doppelgangers is here.  He’s very depressed, and he’s making everyone around him depressed.  Talk to Slothful Max, but he’s too depressed.  Talk to Agent Superball, but he’s also depressed.  Talk to Harry Mole - even he’s depressed.  Walk left to your Desoto car.  Use the car to return to Earth. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter your office. 

Use the GASTROKINESIS TALSIMAN on Leonard, who’s tied up in the cupboard on the right.  Leonard throws up DEED TO THE UNITED STATES.  Now leave the office. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop.  

Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  She’s been affected by Hugh Bliss’s ray.  Give DEED TO THE UNITED STATES to Sybil, who buys the deed for £100 trillion!  Lincoln’s Stone Head is also here.  Talk to him a few times - he’s not been affected by Hugh Bliss’s ray, and he’s feeling rather overwhelmed by Sybil’s happiness.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, until you see the bent meter.  This is the same meter you saw Jimmy holding on to when Philo was trying to perform his hat trick.  Use SPOON BEND TALISMAN on the bent meter to straighten it.  Jimmy is thrown free of the meter.  Walk left a few steps, to your Desoto car.  Use the car to return to the Moon. 

Head right to the Blister Of Tranquillity.  Use tall red magician’s box to be sent down into the Blister Of Tranquillity. 

Head right, and talk to Philo Pennyworth.  He tries the ‘Pull A Rat From The Hat’ trick again, and this time, he succeeds, thanks to you straightening the meter back on Earth.  Unfortunately, he suddenly remembers he hates rats.  He vows never to attempt that trick again, and gives you his MAGICIAN’S HAT.  Use the red magician’s box to return to the surface. 

Walk left, to your Desoto car.  Use the car to return to Earth. 

Head right, and continue right, until you see Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Enter the shop. 

One of Max’s doppelgangers is here.  Talk to Gluttonous Max - he eats you up, then spits you back out.  Use MAGICIAN’S HAT with Gluttonous Max, who swallows Jimmy, who was in the hat.  Now use MAGICIAN’S HAT again, and you perform the ‘Pull Rat From The Hat’ trick… causing Jimmy to pull out Gluttonous Max’s stomach.  You automatically return the stomach to the real Max.  Now give £100 Trillion to Bosco, and he sells you the EARTHQUAKE MAKER REMOTE.  Leave the shop. 

Head left, and continue left, to your Desoto car.  Enter the car and return to the Moon. 

Head right, and continue right, until you see Slothful Max.  Use EARTHQUAKE MAKER REMOTE with Slothful Sam to shake him up a bit.  The quake flips Slothful Max over onto his front.  Take the tail from Slothful Max, and give it to the real Max.  Max is now whole again, and back to his old self.  Use the tall red magician’s box next to Agent Superball, to head back down to the Blister Of Tranquillity. 

Use Rainbow Elevator in the middle of the room, to travel up to Hugh Bliss’s room. 

Watch the cut scene, as Hugh Bliss traps Max in a force field, and ties you onto the Spinning Wheel Of Death.  Use SPOON BEND TALISMAN with the SPOON, which is hanging on the wall above you.  You knock the MAGICIAN’S TALISMAN from it’s stand above you, and you catch it.  Use MAGICIAN’S TALISMAN to switch places with Hugh Bliss, so that he’s tied to the Spinning Wheel Of Death, instead of you.  Unfortunately, your plan backfires, and you end up in the Magic Saw Box, with Hugh about to saw you in half.  Use MAGICIAN’S TALISMAN again to switch places with Hugh.  Now you’re holding the saw, and Hugh is in the Magic Saw Box.  Try to saw Hugh in half.  He’ll use his power to send you to oblivion in the Lunar Lander.  Now use your MAGICIAN’S TALISMAN, and keep using it to see all the ways that Hugh can torture you.  When you’re standing next to the Magic Saw Box again, holding the saw, use the SAW on the Lunar Landing, which is on the right.  You saw through one leg of the Lunar Landing, causing it to topple over.  Hugh sends you to the Water Tank, so use MAGICIAN’S TALISMAN to swap places.  Use LUNAR LANDER KEY with the toppled Lunar Lander on the left.  Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scene.  

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